Congregational Meeting
to approve
Installed Associate Pastor
A few years ago, OPPC embarked on an adventure seeking an Associate Pastor for our church. The Seattle Presbytery worked with us to allow the position to be temporary in order to ensure our funds and vision aligned with a second pastor to lead us. Last year, OPPC hired HT Lee and celebrated his ordination with worship and thanksgiving. Alongside our presbytery, the Session of OPPC overwhelmingly approved to recommend we make Rev. HT Lee’s position “installed” (that means he will no longer be temporary!).
At our Congregational Meeting on October 7th, following worship, the Session will present its motion to approve Rev. HT Lee as Associate Pastor. HT has added humor, wisdom, care, and insight into our church family and we are honored to present this motion. In addition, this marks an important time in our church’s ministry as God has guided us to grow in faith and mission. Praise God!