contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

1836 156th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA


We are a Bellevue Church in the heart of Crossroads.  Overlake Park Presbyterian Church is a community focused on the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Passionate about serving our neighborhood, we seek to live life with laughter and authenticity, in faithful witness to the God who loves us all.

OPPC Events

Little Free Food Pantry @ OPPC
to Dec 28

Little Free Food Pantry @ OPPC

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Little Free Food Pantry (LFP) @ Overlake Park Presbyterian Church

Look for the LFP on the “island” opposite the mailbox and bulletin board, facing the church.

We need YOU to sign up to “host” the pantry one week at a time. Here is the link to the Sign-up Genius where you can pick the week(s) that best works for you. You just need to check the pantry a couple of times and refill if needed. There will be some supplies in the office, or we can call for more, or you can buy.

YOU can also bring food to OPPC. Please leave items in the basket in the narthex.

We are currently seeking donations of no-cook (non-perishable) food options such as granola bars, tuna packets, snack bags with items that are no-kitchen required.

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Jubilee Reach: March-May 2025
to Jun 3

Jubilee Reach: March-May 2025

Jubilee Reach Volunteer Opportunity

During the pandemic, members of OPPC have been purchasing and delivering groceries and staples to Jubilee Reach for distribution to families in the community in need. In addition, almost 20 members have periodically volunteered, some members multiple times, to work at Jubilee Reach to receive and process groceries and supplies donated by churches like OPPC and other organizations. This is a wonderful way for the OPPC community to get to know and care for our neighbors.

We want to open this opportunity to the whole church community! We hope you will be able to join us.

  • When: March 4, April 1, May 6 from 8:30 AM to about noon at Jubilee Reach. Please sign up if you're available. Thank you!

  • Work Crew: 8 members of OPPC

  • Work activity: Receive bags of groceries and donated supplies like diapers, verify contents, sort through produce donated by grocery stores, organize for future distribution, any other related work that may be required.

Please use the link below to sign up. We are so excited to serve with you!    

If you’re able to provide bags of groceries to Jubilee Reach, please contact Dean Tyler for more information.

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Colombia Partnership Trip
to Feb 11

Colombia Partnership Trip

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Colombia Partnership Trip

Feb. 4-11, 2025

Please pray for the Overlake Park PC delegation who will be joining Seattle Presbytery on the annual partnership trip to Barranquilla, Colombia February 4-11, 2025!

f you are interested in learning more about the trip or about the partnership between Seattle Presbytery and the Presbytery of the North Coast in Colombia, please contact Haley Ballast ( or Eliana Maxim (

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Meals for Porchlight (February 2025)
to Feb 15

Meals for Porchlight (February 2025)

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You’re invited to sign up to provide a dinner to our friends at the PorchLight rotating shelter! OPPC is  hosting meals 2/1-2/14 while the men are staying at St. Luke's Lutheran. 

Sign up link:

Contact Patricia Tuor for more information.

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Women's Retreat with RPC & OPPC
to Mar 1

Women's Retreat with RPC & OPPC

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us May 16-18 at Suncadia for fellowship and a little R & R!

Our goal is to strengthen relationships between the women of OPPC and RPC. 
We're looking forward to time for prayer and contemplation, walks, pickleball, and great conversation! 
Arrive: evening of May 16th; Depart: afternoon of May 18th 
Cost: ~$200 per person (financial assistance is available!) 

Register here by February 28!

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Exploring Art & Faith with Scott Erickson
to Jan 25

Exploring Art & Faith with Scott Erickson

  • Newport Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Newport Presbyterian Church is hosting artist and theologian Scott Erikson for a lecture series on Jan 24 and 25.

Want to make more money? Looking to lose weight? Searching for the perfect balance between work and rest? Well, we can’t help with that, but we can offer a space to make art and talk about how to make meaning in the chaos of life right now. Your fire can go out. The drenching malaise of binge-worthy television, destructive news narratives, and body-shaming advertising will slowly weigh you down over time. But wonder, curiosity, imagination, risking, doing, trying, being...these are the warm flames of Life in the coldest of seasons.

SCOTT ERICKSON is a dynamic and energetic speaker who uses humor, honesty, and art to help us all connect with ourselves and the Divine. Scott is full of ideas to motivate us to see things in fresh ways, stretch ourselves to try new things, inspire creative ways of thinking, and fill us with hope that we can co-create a better future. In Scott’s words, the creative practice, or any practice, whether physical, spiritual, or mental, is not so much about accomplishing something as much as it is keeping the Fire of Life alive in oneself. For more information on Scott visit his website here.
This is the spirit we hope to explore together in this year’s community lecture. Let’s talk about navigating meaningfulness and meaninglessness. Let’s talk about turning our pain into something. Let’s talk about finding our spark. Let’s talk about how we are constructing our everyday liturgies.

For more information and to register please visit the Newport Presbyterian Church website

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Worship Together @ Redmond Presbyterian Church
10:00 AM10:00

Worship Together @ Redmond Presbyterian Church

  • Redmond Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You’re invited to join us as we worship together with Redmond PC @ Redmond Presbyterian Church (10020 166th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052) on Sunday, December 29. Worship starts at 10:00am. Live stream will also be available. 

If you accidentally show up at Overlake Park PC, no worries! The drive to Redmond PC is approximately less than 15 minutes.

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Emerald City Ringers presents “A Marshmallow World”
4:00 PM16:00

Emerald City Ringers presents “A Marshmallow World”

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Emerald City Ringers presents “A Marshmallow World”

Come in from the cold to hear Emerald City Ringers present a sweet mix of holiday favorites.

Saturday December 7 at 4:00 pm

Overlake Park Presbyterian Church

1836 156th Ave NE, Bellevue WA

Suggested donation:

$12/Adult or $30/Family

$8/Students and Seniors


All are welcome to attend regardless of ability to donate.

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Jubilee Reach: November 2024-February 2025 Volunteers
to Feb 4

Jubilee Reach: November 2024-February 2025 Volunteers

Jubilee Reach Volunteer Opportunity

During the pandemic, members of OPPC have been purchasing and delivering groceries and staples to Jubilee Reach for distribution to families in the community in need. In addition, almost 20 members have periodically volunteered, some members multiple times, to work at Jubilee Reach to receive and process groceries and supplies donated by churches like OPPC and other organizations. This is a wonderful way for the OPPC community to get to know and care for our neighbors.

We want to open this opportunity to the whole church community! We hope you will be able to join us.

  • When: November 5, December 3, December 31, January 7, February 4 from 8:30 AM to about noon at Jubilee Reach. Please sign up if you're available. Thank you!

  • Work Crew: 8 members of OPPC

  • Work activity: Receive bags of groceries and donated supplies like diapers, verify contents, sort through produce donated by grocery stores, organize for future distribution, any other related work that may be required.

Please use the link below to sign up. We are so excited to serve with you!    

If you’re able to provide bags of groceries to Jubilee Reach, please contact Dean Tyler for more information.

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Trunk or Treat with YMCA & Overlake Park Presbyterian Church
4:00 PM16:00

Trunk or Treat with YMCA & Overlake Park Presbyterian Church

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our 3rd annual Trunk or treat & Harvest Festival is a fun, safe way to celebrate Halloween with our neighbors. This year we are partnering with the Bellevue Family YMCA and will be hosted by the Bellevue Family YMCA. Kids and families will walk from trunk-to-trunk collecting candy and treats. Each trunk is decorated—the winning trunk gets a prize! Don’t forget your Halloween costume and a bag for treats!

This event will be held indoors.

Parents and caregivers, please register in advance (so we buy enough candy!) by reserving a ticket through eventbrite. This event is FREE.

Would you like to decorate your trunk for the trunk-or-treaters? Prizes are available for the coolest trunk decorations! DETAILS AND REGISTRATION HERE:

🎃 If your child has sensory or mobility needs, please contact HT ( to learn more about accommodations.

🎃 Are you a local business? Consider decorating a trunk. If you would like to set up a booth, please email

🎃 Interlake High School Students will receive volunteer hours for bringing a decorated trunk. Please register using the trunk registration link above

🎃 Does your organization want to be an event sponsor? Please email

👻 Day-of event updates will be emailed to the email address provided during registration

We're excited to partner with YMCA Bellevue for this year's Trunk or Treat! Bring your family and friends for a fun-filled evening of costumes, candy and community. If you're interested in hosting a trunk, please register here.

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Youth Gatherings & Events
to Dec 6

Youth Gatherings & Events

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 22. Dave will be taking the lead and will have plenty of donuts to go around! Pastor HT will also be joining in, so come join the fun and conversation! Hope to see you on the 22nd.

Other upcoming opportunities:

FALL HIKE: Sunday, September 15, Leave RPC around Noon 

We will join the other youth groups to enjoy the mountains at their best! Bring snacks for the trail, and prepare to let back to school anxiety melt away with friends and forest bathing.  

FALL FARM DAY: Sunday, Oct 20, Leave RPC around Noon 

Pumpkin patches, fresh-pressed cider, and a Washington State corn maze! What could make it feel more like Fall? We are pulling out our flannels and spending the afternoon at Swans Trail Farms in Snohomish with our friend from NP, OPPC, and MIPC! Tickets are $20 per person. RSVP by October 6th.  

TRUNK OR TREAT: Saturday, Oct 26

We are partnering with the YMCA this year - yay! They will be hosting the trunk or treat, as well as having other games and activities for kids and families. If you are interested in volunteering or having a "trunk," please register at this link, as we have to all go through the YMCA volunteer process this year. Volunteer Project Page ( More details to come!

SERVICE PROJECT—Cooking with YouthCare at MIPC: Sunday Nov 3, 3-5pm, Leave RPC at 2:30  

We will gather at Mercer Island Presbyterian Church to learn about YouthCare. YouthCare works to end youth homelessness and to ensure that young people are valued for who they are and empowered to achieve their potential. There are very few youth shelters in our area and we are excited to learn about their work and help cook meals for them to share with their community!  


CHRISTMAS PARTY: Friday Dec 6th, at MIPC 

The Christmas Extravaganza you’ve all been waiting for… Gingerbread House Competition, White elephant Gift Exchange, Christmas Carol-oke, Cookies, Hot Chocolate, Your craziest Christmas clothes. We will meet gather together in Mercer Island Pres’s cozy fireplace room to usher in the Festive Season!

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Eastside Youth Collective Movie in the Park
7:30 PM19:30

Eastside Youth Collective Movie in the Park

Join Eastside Youth Collective for a movie night in the park @ Bellevue Downtown Park. The movie is High School Musical (rated PG). We will meet in the park at 7:30pm. The movie will start around 8:15pm, but there will be activities and vendors to explore while we wait for the movie to start. Contact Pastor Lottie to RSVP and for more details on what to bring.

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Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings

“Sunday’s Coming” Scripture Discussion Group

Join us on Thursday mornings from 10:30-11:30am to discuss the preaching text for Sunday. No Bible Study experience needed! We will explore the text together, ask questions, and consider the Good News for us today.

Please register online to receive the Zoom link if you'd like to join virtually.

Contact: OPPC staff if you have questions.

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Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings

“Sunday’s Coming” Scripture Discussion Group

Join us on Thursday mornings from 10:30-11:30am to discuss the preaching text for Sunday. No Bible Study experience needed! We will explore the text together, ask questions, and consider the Good News for us today.

Please register online to receive the Zoom link if you'd like to join virtually.

Contact: OPPC staff if you have questions.

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Hosting Porchlight @ Overlake Park PC
to Aug 31

Hosting Porchlight @ Overlake Park PC

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


OPPC is hosting Porchlight in August! Other churches are providing the meals, but we are hoping to "staff" each dinner with one (or more!) OPPC hospitality volunteers. 

It's a rewarding and simple way to get involved: you show up, eat dinner with the men from the shelter, visit, and enjoy their company! This is a great way to build relationships, strengthen community, and show God's love. 

What I’m hoping for is for our host people to come around 5:45 pm and set out the hospitality items such as chips and salsa, juices, iced tea and ice water. Between 6:00 and 6:15 the dinner shows up and you provide whatever utensils that are needed and lay out the meal. I’ve been saying or asking someone to say a blessing and then the men serve themselves. I encourage you to stay and eat and visit with them. I’ve found this group of guys very friendly and grateful for what is being provided. 

Please go into the Signup Genius and come and join the group and provide the hospitality that OPPC is well-known for. Your help is very much needed.

Thank you for serving and loving our neighbors! 

Patricia Tuor

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Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings

“Sunday’s Coming” Scripture Discussion Group

Join us on Thursday mornings from 10:30-11:30am to discuss the preaching text for Sunday. No Bible Study experience needed! We will explore the text together, ask questions, and consider the Good News for us today.

Please register online to receive the Zoom link if you'd like to join virtually.

Contact: OPPC staff if you have questions.

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Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings
10:30 AM10:30

Sunday's Coming - Scripture Discussion Group Gatherings

“Sunday’s Coming” Scripture Discussion Group

Join us on Thursday mornings from 10:30-11:30am to discuss the preaching text for Sunday. No Bible Study experience needed! We will explore the text together, ask questions, and consider the Good News for us today.

Please register online to receive the Zoom link if you'd like to join virtually.

Contact: OPPC staff if you have questions.

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Vacation Bible School: July 8-11, 2024
9:30 PM21:30

Vacation Bible School: July 8-11, 2024

  • Mercer Island Presbyterian Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’re partnering with Mercer Island Presbyterian Church for VBS which means more students and more VBS joy!! Please save the dates on your calendar. 

VBS is open to all incoming Kindergarteners- 5th graders. It will be held at MIPC, but carpools from OPPC will be available.

July 8- July 11 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Mercer Island Presbyterian Church.

The registration runs through MIPC, so please let Pastor Lottie once you’ve registered so OPPC can keep a record as well. Scholarships are also available.

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