Newport Presbyterian Church is hosting artist and theologian Scott Erikson for a lecture series on Jan 24 and 25.
Want to make more money? Looking to lose weight? Searching for the perfect balance between work and rest? Well, we can’t help with that, but we can offer a space to make art and talk about how to make meaning in the chaos of life right now. Your fire can go out. The drenching malaise of binge-worthy television, destructive news narratives, and body-shaming advertising will slowly weigh you down over time. But wonder, curiosity, imagination, risking, doing, trying, being...these are the warm flames of Life in the coldest of seasons.
SCOTT ERICKSON is a dynamic and energetic speaker who uses humor, honesty, and art to help us all connect with ourselves and the Divine. Scott is full of ideas to motivate us to see things in fresh ways, stretch ourselves to try new things, inspire creative ways of thinking, and fill us with hope that we can co-create a better future. In Scott’s words, the creative practice, or any practice, whether physical, spiritual, or mental, is not so much about accomplishing something as much as it is keeping the Fire of Life alive in oneself. For more information on Scott visit his website here.
This is the spirit we hope to explore together in this year’s community lecture. Let’s talk about navigating meaningfulness and meaninglessness. Let’s talk about turning our pain into something. Let’s talk about finding our spark. Let’s talk about how we are constructing our everyday liturgies.
For more information and to register please visit the Newport Presbyterian Church website.