Please mark your calendars to join us for worship on Sunday, June 2nd as the OPPC Chancel Choir leads us through a presentation of Joseph Martin’s “A Time for Alleluia!”
For everything there is a season... and a time for every purpose under heaven. And so it was that the One who held the very hands of time chose to release His grip on eternity and become obedient to the seasons of human existence. As you contemplate the seasons of Christ’s life through this work, may you gain clarity and peace for your own journey of faith. May the timeless message of redemption be a source of renewal and illumination and may you become a voice of comfort and joy to those to whom you minister. For everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.
As we celebrate our new life in Christ, may we discover our purpose as instruments of praise. This is the time for Alleluia!