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1836 156th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA


We are a Bellevue Church in the heart of Crossroads.  Overlake Park Presbyterian Church is a community focused on the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Passionate about serving our neighborhood, we seek to live life with laughter and authenticity, in faithful witness to the God who loves us all.

Faith Today: New Members Class

OPPC Events

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Faith Today: New Members Class

Why join a church? What does church membership mean? Does Jesus care if I’m a church member? These are some of the questions we’ll explore in our Faith Today: new Membership Class.

Join us online for this conversational class that explores how our faith connects to the church and allows you the opportunity to consider membership at OPPC.

Please RSVP by Sunday, May 24.

Earlier Event: May 31
Zoom Fellowship Hour
Later Event: June 7
Zoom fellowship hour