On October 24th, OPPC will gather in-person to view our worship service and be together. Thank you to our Session who worked diligently in August and September to problem-solve and ensure all safety guidelines are followed. As a church, we have endured much together and this global pandemic has taught us how to hold onto our faith in challenging circumstances. We have learned to be together while being forced to be separate – a learning that was not foreign to our Biblical narrative or to others around the world who endure these challenges on a daily basis.
To begin gathering safely with enough volunteer support, we will select specific Sundays each month moving forward. Because it is of high value that we offer both in-person and virtual worship experiences, we will initially gather in person to view a recorded service while we install the infrastructure toward our eventual goal of having worship in-person that is live streamed weekly. Thank you for your patience as we move through the process!
Seeking fully vaccinated ushers to help on Sunday. Learn more and sign up.
Please note that the virtual worship option will remain the same for anyone who wishes to worship from home. There will be no virtual coffee hour on Oct. 24.