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1836 156th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA


We are a Bellevue Church in the heart of Crossroads.  Overlake Park Presbyterian Church is a community focused on the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Passionate about serving our neighborhood, we seek to live life with laughter and authenticity, in faithful witness to the God who loves us all.

Doreen Meekhof 2023 Lecture @ Newport PC

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Doreen Meekhof 2023 Lecture @ Newport PC

  • Newport Presbyterian Church 4010 120th Avenue Southeast Bellevue, WA, 98006 United States (map)


We enthusiastically invite members and friends to join us in welcoming our 2023 Meekhof lecturer: Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Her challenging topic is: "A Bold Vision: How Christians Are Fighting Racism and Poverty."

Dr. Moffett is leading the national Presbyterian church's bold initiative inspired by Jesus's words in Matthew 25: "Just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me." The PC(USA)'s initiative focuses on three areas: 1) Building congregational vitality; 2) Dismantling structural racism; and 3) Eradicating systemic poverty. But what can one church - our church, any church - do to dismantle racism and eradicate poverty? 

Dr. Moffett will speak on Saturday, February 4, at 10:00 a.m., in the sanctuary of Newport Presbyterian Church, followed by a luncheon at 11:30 a.m. This event is free and open to the public, and we encourage guests and members of other churches to join with us. Dr. Moffett will also preach on Sunday, February 5 at our 10 a.m. worship service.  Visiting us from PC(USA) headquarters in Louisville, KY, she will also meet on Friday, February 3, from 3 to 6 p.m., for table talks with representatives of various Presbyterian churches in our area that are committed to the  Matthew 25 initiative and can mutually provide some insights and inspiration.

We encourage all Newport members to attend and bring friends. We are also inviting representatives of the Seattle Presbytery and many area Presbyterian churches who want to know more about this bold vision. 

Please register for these events using this link.  Registration is not required, but it helps us to plan.

Who is Dr. Moffett?

The Rev. Dr. Diane L. Givens Moffett serves as the president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency — the mission arm of the Presbyterian Church (USA). She has held this role since June 2018.

Prior to that she served as senior pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, North Carolina. While there, she also served on several boards, became a candidate for mayor of the city, and was co-chair of the Greensboro Interfaith Clergy Council and vice president of the Pulpit Forum. Along with numerous other awards and recognitions, in April 2018, Diane received the Sojourner Truth Award, the highest honor of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, for her commitment to serving others.

Diane’s service to the denomination includes over 33 years in pastoral ministry. She served as the first woman pastor at Elmhurst Presbyterian Church in Oakland, California, and associate pastor of evangelism, discipleship and ministry at Elmwood United Presbyterian Church in East Orange, New Jersey. She also served as coordinator of the Korean and African-American Pastors Reconciliation Project and executive director at Harbor House Ministries in Oakland. She currently serves as a board member for the Lousiville Urban Leaque.

Diane holds a bachelor of arts degree in sociology and social welfare from the University of California at Berkeley, and both a master of divinity and doctorate of ministry from San Francisco Theological Seminary. She is author of the book, Beyond Greens & Cornbread-Reflections on African American Christian Identity and numerous other articles on a variety of subjects pertaining to ministry. 

Diane is married to Mondre Moffett who is a trumpeter and professor of music at Simmons College of Kentucky, as well as director of Trinity Jazz Decree, and host of Saint Stephen Baptist Church’s television broadcast, Black Music Footprints. They have three married daughters and five grandchildren.

Learn more.