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1836 156th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA


We are a Bellevue Church in the heart of Crossroads.  Overlake Park Presbyterian Church is a community focused on the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Passionate about serving our neighborhood, we seek to live life with laughter and authenticity, in faithful witness to the God who loves us all.

OPPC Hiking Fellowship

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OPPC Hiking Fellowship

  • Overlake Park Presbyterian Church 1836 156th Ave NE Bellevue, WA USA (map)

#149 9/10 (Sunday) Meet at OPPC at noon to carpool. Lak is leading the hike, so please RSVP to him at  by Friday evening. This moderately strenuous hike is on the Pratt River Connector Trail along the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River, about 6 miles on an out-and-back trail with about 1200 feet of elevation gain.

Upcoming hikes:

#150 - A celebration hike!!

9/24 (Sunday) Neal will be leading an all-abilities hike through Bridle Trails. There will likely be two options of distances, maybe 1.5 and 3 or so miles. The exact route will be decided on the day of the hike. The hike will be followed by a potluck BBQ at Steve and Barb Barnes' home. Anu, inspired by this article, is suggesting formal attire for the celebration!


#151 - The celebration continues!

10/7 (Saturday) Nancy Devine will be leading a through-hike along the Rattlesnake Ridge trail about 12 miles from Snoqualmie Point to Rattlesnake Lake. The elevation gain is about 3,000 feet. Because of the distance, this will be a strenuous hike.


#152 10/22 (Sunday) - Lake Wilderness Arboretum and New Gnome Trail - easy, neighborhood park trails - 3.5 miles, 300 feet elevation gain (NEED LEADER - Nancy Devine will provide maps and directions)


#153 11/5 (Sunday) - Margaret's Way to Debbie's View - 7 miles, 1400 feet elevation gain - moderately strenuous (MAY NEED LEADER - please contact Nancy.)


#154 11/19 - Troll hunting at Lincoln Park in West Seattle (suggested by Anne - 2-3 miles urban park and beach


#155 12/3 - Cougar Mountain Christmas Tree hike (even though the Christmas Tree isn't there anymore!) 4.8 miles, 400 feet elevation gain, moderate.