#149 9/10 (Sunday) Meet at OPPC at noon to carpool. Lak is leading the hike, so please RSVP to him at lak@vlakshman.com by Friday evening. This moderately strenuous hike is on the Pratt River Connector Trail along the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River, about 6 miles on an out-and-back trail with about 1200 feet of elevation gain.
Upcoming hikes:
#150 - A celebration hike!!
9/24 (Sunday) Neal will be leading an all-abilities hike through Bridle Trails. There will likely be two options of distances, maybe 1.5 and 3 or so miles. The exact route will be decided on the day of the hike. The hike will be followed by a potluck BBQ at Steve and Barb Barnes' home. Anu, inspired by this article, is suggesting formal attire for the celebration!
#151 - The celebration continues!
10/7 (Saturday) Nancy Devine will be leading a through-hike along the Rattlesnake Ridge trail about 12 miles from Snoqualmie Point to Rattlesnake Lake. The elevation gain is about 3,000 feet. Because of the distance, this will be a strenuous hike.
#152 10/22 (Sunday) - Lake Wilderness Arboretum and New Gnome Trail - easy, neighborhood park trails - 3.5 miles, 300 feet elevation gain (NEED LEADER - Nancy Devine will provide maps and directions)
#153 11/5 (Sunday) - Margaret's Way to Debbie's View - 7 miles, 1400 feet elevation gain - moderately strenuous (MAY NEED LEADER - please contact Nancy.)
#154 11/19 - Troll hunting at Lincoln Park in West Seattle (suggested by Anne - https://www.seattleschild.com/go-troll-hunting-giant-troll-in-west-seattle/) 2-3 miles urban park and beach
#155 12/3 - Cougar Mountain Christmas Tree hike (even though the Christmas Tree isn't there anymore!) 4.8 miles, 400 feet elevation gain, moderate.