OPPC Hike #150
The OPPC Hiking Fellowship will celebrate their Sesquicentenial hike this coming Sunday, September 24th, at Bridle Trails State Park followed by a BBQ at the Barnes residence. The hike will include a 2.3- mile segment led by Neal and a 3.5-mile segment led by Anu. After the hike we will attend a BBQ at the Barnes home. The Barnes will provide a regular and vegan main dish. Please bring a salad, beverages or other side dish to share. Neal & Anu will be wearing ties to celebrate the event. Choose your own distinctive attire to help us celebrate. We will meet at the church to carpool at 12:30pm or at the park at 12:45pm. The park address is 5300 116th Ave NE, Kirkland, WA 98033. The Barnes address is 1009 185th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98008. Please RSVP to Neal Nelson (na747nelson@q.com) by Saturday September 23rd if you will be joining us.