Overlake Park Presbyterian Church is hosting Porchlight friends on our campus in March 2024. They are seeking volunteers to sign up for the following:
Hospitality Volunteers needed! The world's easiest (and possibly most fun?) volunteer gig! Share a meal with the PorchLight clients staying at OPPC this March-- enjoy their company and build community! Sign up and learn more, click HERE.
Questions: please contact Patricia Tuor or OPPC staff.
More from Porchlight:
Meals - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DADA82CA1FFC34-47429126-meals
Supplies - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DADA82CA1FFC34-47429316-shelter
Breakfast/Lunch Supplies - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DADA82CA1FFC34-47795186-breakfastlunch
Thank you for serving and loving our neighbors!