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1836 156th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA


We are a Bellevue Church in the heart of Crossroads.  Overlake Park Presbyterian Church is a community focused on the love and grace of Jesus Christ.  Passionate about serving our neighborhood, we seek to live life with laughter and authenticity, in faithful witness to the God who loves us all.

ReThink Belief 2019 Spring Sermon Series

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rethink belief

2019 Spring Sermon Series

April 28 - June 23

 Our faith in God is full of conviction and truth. Our relationship with God is cemented in grace and love. Our community envelops the kind of radical love and acceptance Jesus demonstrates in His life. And, yet, there are still times when life throws us a curve ball and we find ourselves asking tough questions. The belief we have in God is sprinkled with real questions – life questions – theological questions - questions about our world and God’s plan. Why do you worry? Why are you so afraid? Do you want to get well? 

This Spring, we study questions Jesus asks as a way to dig into our own questions recognizing life is less about having all the answers and more about living faithfully through the questions remembering the Spirit is our guide.