Children's Ministries
Cover Photo by: Norm Bowler
children and families are welcome at oppc!
Children of all ages are very welcome in worship. We love hearing kids in church in worship of our God. Here are some helpful hints for parents in how to encourage your children during worship:
Sit toward the front where it is easier for little ones to see and hear.
Participate by singing and speaking responses. Kids will follow in time.
Children growing up worshipping n the sanctuary learn that this place is for them.
There are crayons and Children's Activity Bulletins for ages 3-6 and 7-12 available in the narthex. Ask an usher if you need help locating them.
Use our Nursery (located in our Choir room off the Narthex), if you wish, for nursing, or highly mobile kids. You won't miss a thing as the room is equipped for you to hear the service.
Remember: You, your children, and their wiggles are welcome here!
Sunday School
In the past year, OPPC has doubled the number of children attending Sunday School! We now have three classes - Nursery - Pre-K, lower (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade) and upper elementary (3rd - 6th Grade). To help our children grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus, there is need for committed teachers and helpers to be a part of a rotating team. This is a monthly or every other week commitment.
Nursery Needs
One Support Helpers (help once or twice a month)
Lower Elementary Needs
Two - Four Support Helpers (help once or twice a month)
Upper Elementary Needs
Two - Four Support Helpers (help once or twice a month)
Teaching Sunday school is one way that we fulfill the promise we make during baptism to help raise children up in the faith, and it is also a fun way to interact with scripture. Kids have amazing insight and great questions. If you have ever laughed or had a great truth moment from an insightful thing a child has said during a children’s sermon and you would like to gain more knowledge from moments like this, please prayerfully consider helping with our Sunday school program.
Contact the staff to learn more or to sign up.