In Our Neighborhood
OPPC Connectors will intentionally focus on equipping our congregation to be a multi-lingual, multi-cultural church. Following Apostle Paul’s example, they will work to bring language diversity by empowering others, reaching out to a variety of ethnic groups, and equipping the church to do the same. If you have a passion for ethnic diversity and equity, OPPC Connectors will provide you with the opportunity to make a difference in our faith community as we learn and grow, together, into God’s vision for the church.
CLICK HERE to get involved with Connectors@OPPC
ways to help at department of children, youth & families (DCYF)
We have become a partner in the needs of the King East DCYF office, which is in our own community! Below are ways you can be involved:
Storage of extra items for foster kids – in the shed behind the church. We will refill the DSHS closet as items are going to children who are in foster care as their families rebuild.
Donate items for the children or gift cards for the staff at King East DSHS - ANYTIME!
Watch the OPPC announcements for further ways you can help with the Foster Care System.
If you’re interested, email Cindy Coleman.
Salvation Army dinners
The Salvation Army continues to provide weeknight meals to those struggling in our community. The pandemic changed the format for these meals and OPPC pivoted to giving money toward the cost of feeding a growing number of people. We also were not able to make our Snack Sacks when the church was closed. At this point, we are assessing the needs of the Salvation Army, so keep tuned to announcements. Your donations are always welcome to go toward the money we are giving each month.
community garden
Our Community Garden has been planted and the food produced will be used for both outreach and helping to fight hunger in our community. As the growing season continues, we will post which crops are ready for harvest. Please take what you like and invite others in the community to participate and receive fresh produce.
Congregations for the Homeless (CFH) Shelter
Each August, OPPC hosts CFH. We also provide meals in February when the shelter is at St. Luke’s in Bellevue. Focused on ending homelessness in East King County, CFH helps men to successfully make the transition from homelessness to permanent housing, and self-sufficiency. The year-round shelter is one way OPPC can support the mission of CFH and make a real impact on our community. For more information about CFH, please visit their website here.
Hopelink food donations
Now that we are meeting in person, we will again collect non-perishable food donations for our local Hopelink food bank. Each month, we take our non-perishable food donations to our local Hopelink office. This food is then distributed to families in need around our area. Keep in mind that during the summer, the donations to food banks generally dwindle, while the need rises. The students who are provided breakfast and lunch through the free and reduced-price meal programs at the schools are home for the summer without the support of that program. Bring your non-perishable food donations to church on any Sunday, and they will be taken to Hopelink.
For more information on Hopelink, visit