OPPC Community Reach
oppc community reach
overlake park presbyterian church responds to the PANDEMIC
OPPC is organizing and serving individuals and families in the City of Bellevue
with partners working together to provide, care for, and love our neighbors in tangible ways.
Pray daily for people experiencing job loss, relational strain, childcare & parenting support, and work stress in healthcare and beyond.
Sign up to make phone calls to people in the Bellevue Community seeking a listening ear of support.
Sign up to provide groceries to local families or make phone calls of support.
Make a donation to our mission fund and write a note if you have a specific program you want to support.
jubilee reach groceries for families
Early on in our Stay Home, Stay Safe quarantine, OPPC partnered with Jubilee Reach to help provide groceries for families who were experiencing food insecurity because of the pandemic.
As of 2022, the number of families needing help continues. Learn more. More than 25 organizations and churches have partnered together to provide groceries, hygiene items, and other supplies.
Jubilee Reach has chosen to extend their grocery program with some modifications. The USDA will be providing one food box per family containing perishable items such as dairy, vegetables, fruit and protein.
In addition to the USDA food box, families will be provided with a supplemental grocery bag – which is where you come in! There are four ways in which your neighbors need YOUR help.
We are looking for shoppers who are committed to providing and delivering supplemental grocery bags every week on Tuesday mornings. One bag costs approximately $20 and a list is provided.
This is a serious commitment as we are asking you to shop, pay, and deliver the groceries to Jubilee Reach every week.
We know that some of you may feel you can commit to this and, if so, please sign up to be a COMMITTED SHOPPER. We will contact you with more details of how to get started.
Be a part of our church team of 8 workers at Jubilee Reach on designated Tuesday mornings to sort donations and check bags of non-perishables. Great fun and bonding while serving our neighbors!
Jubilee Reach is also looking for pantry items that can be delivered anytime. Items include (but are not limited to): paper towels, feminine hygiene products, laundry soap, cat litter, baby wipes. This would be a perfect role for someone looking to help but needs a flexible schedule as bulk items can be dropped off any time. Please sign up for PROVIDE BULK ITEMS an we'll contact you with more details.
We always welcome donations to our mission fund to help our neighbors. Visit www.oppc.org/give to donate online to our mission fund. Feel free to write in: Jubilee Reach Groceries in the note section to have your funds designated for this program.
Please contact us to learn more & sign up.
Thank you to our partnering churches, organizations, and individuals during these uncertain times. This video is an expression of our deep gratitude and encouragement for you and the many, many people under your leadership whom have selflessly given t support Groceries for Families. - Jubilee Reach
100 bags of groceries are ready to be picked up!
We believe that there are families in our Bellevue neighborhood that remain unseen and are in crisis.
This is our opportunity to help in a tangible way and meet the needs of our community.
Attain housing
Our Vision Team has been building a relationship with Attain Housing to consider future affordable housing partnerships. Through this relationship, we were quickly able to respond to their need for rental assistance for their families who are experiencing 50% job loss which is increasing daily.
One of the unique aspects of Attain Housing’s work is their case management. They case managers work with individuals and families for two years to support them through every aspect of moving from homelessness to independence. Their work has been inspiring to learn about and we are hopeful our ongoing support will reach more and more families to keep people solidly in their homes with food, electricity, and support.
neighbor to neighbor phone calls
People are asking for a someone to talk to. If you have time to make a few phone calls and listening ear, we are creating a place for people to connect. The YMCA shared that they are receiving requests from people in the community for someone to talk to – someone to listen – someone to connect with about the ongoing pressures and struggles of this crisis.
We are creating a guiding document to help train volunteers in our congregation to be a non-anxious presence to our neighbors and call a few people who leave a message at OPPC.
Email reach@oppc.org if you would like to get connected and make some phone calls to a neighbor who could use a sounding board and a reminder that we are not alone!
Each August, OPPC hosts Congregations For the Homeless (CFH). Focused on ending homelessness in East King County, CFH helps men to successfully make the transition from homelessness to permanent housing, and self-sufficient. The year-round shelter is one way OPPC can support the mission of CFH and make a real impact on our community.
The overnight shelter will operate from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. every day. This year, we are still maintaining Covid-19 protocols, but there is the opportunity to serve dinners (with gloves and masks) and to provide some meals at the end of the month. The men make their own sandwiches. We will continue to have three coordinators who will do the purchasing and coordinating for the program. Go to the SignUp Genius here to volunteer.
We are so grateful for this partnership and praying for their continued work to keep families safe.
For more information about CFH, please visit their website here.
CLICK HERE to access King County’s Anti-stigma resources.
Pushing Against Fear and Racism
During the COVID-19 health crisis in our world, we cling to our God and our mission statement: A Spiritual Home Where Everyone Belongs.
We recognize that our minority siblings are experiencing discrimination and xenophobia and are committed to protecting and loving all people as Jesus Christ loves all people. We lean into this commitment in tangible ways by speaking up when we see other’s being oppressed and acting with integrity and support as we love our neighbors as ourselves.
If you are experiencing oppression or fear, of any kind, our church community is committed to learning how we can grow in our work to advocate and protect. Please know you are safe here and contact any of our pastors or staff to receive support and be a part of our community.
The Presbyterian Women of OPPC sponsor a drive for school supplies for needy students in the Bellevue School District through Eastside Interfaith Social Concerns Council and a group of 18 – 20 organizations. We usually provide school supplies for approx. 2000 students, but in 2022 the need jumped to about 3600 kids! Watch announcements from OPPC for details each summer. This year they can only accept backpacks and money for supplies.
oppc is proud to be partnering with and supporting:
A word about how we proceed…
How are we funding all of this?
OPPC had approximately $20K of mission monies in designated funds and we have been seeking programs to support our community. When the COVID-19 health crisis presented opportunities to serve our community, we were postured to respond. As we continue, we will rely on the generous giving of our community of faith and are trusting that the places God calls us to serve will also bring ways God provides for us to continue serving.
The needs are not overwhelming if each of us do one thing, each day, to give back to our community.
We have received donations from the congregation and friends and a grant from the PC(USA) to help with these expenses and from the Washington Education Association via Bellevue Nourishing Network. The more we have, the more we can do!
What can I do today?
PRAY for our community. GIVE a small donation to one of the programs that inspire you. SHARE a note with someone who may be lonely or afraid. Call a neighbor and LISTEN to their stories. We are the church and we have all of the gifts God has given us to virtually be the church to the City of Bellevue and beyond.