You’re invited to join us during Holy Week as we worship and connect with our siblings at Redmond Presbyterian Church. May we deepen our connection throughout the body of Christ and share God’s love with all.
Palm Sunday @ Overlake Park Presbyterian Church & YouTube
Maundy Thursday @ Overlake Park Presbyterian Church & YouTube
Easter Sunday @ Redmond Presbyterian Church & YouTube, followed by Easter brunch
Sunday, April 9th – Sunrise worship at OPPC (6:30 a.m.)
Easter worship at RPC (10:15 a.m.)
Easter lunch and Easter Egg Hunt at RPC (11:30 a.m.)
Join us after Easter Worship for a fun lunch with both OPPC and RPC’s congregations. The main course will be provided. Please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share with friends.
*Those with last names starting with A-I please bring a side dish.
*Those with last names starting with I-P please bring a salad.
*Those with last names starting with Q-Z Please bring dessert.
We look forward to a fun, full, and delicious time together!