OPPC In-Person
in-person & live streamed worship
10:00 aM @ OVERLAKE PARK pc
1836 156TH AVE NE, BELLEVUE, WA 98007
You’re invited to join us this Sunday for worship (in person & live streamed on YouTube), as we worship at OPPC with our friends from Redmond Presbyterian Church!
Espresso & other beverages are available in the foyer before worship.
Please also join us after worship for coffee, tea and refreshments in the fellowship hall.
If you’re interested in being part of our dedicated prayer team for Thriving Congregations and our Redmond Presbyterian Church partnership, join us in person every Sunday in the library after church in time for the Fellowship Zoom. We will start the Fellowship Zoom time with this so people can participate remotely. Please click below for the link.
As of April 13, 2022, the session has approved making masks optional for everyone (attendees and worship leaders/volunteers) during worship and gatherings. Please be respectful of everyone’s choices, and stay at home if you are not feeling well.
Read in-person gathering FAQs.
If joining us virtually on first Sundays of the month, please prepare elements for communion during worship.
Joining us virtually? Please let us know by signing in.
Prayer requests? Please share with our staff.
Thank you for your faithful and generous giving.
Scripture Online
Worship translations & captions by spf.io.
Reserve small group space at OPPC.
learning resources
Watch Sunday messages from our Learning to Learn series & contact us to borrow a copy of “How Your Congregation Learns”.
OPPC is a member of Seattle Presbytery’s Thriving Congregations Intiative
PC(USA) Office of Christian Formation resources, including Children and Anti-Racism Toolkit
OPPC is a Presbyterian Church (USA) Matthew 25 Church. Learn more.
for children & families
d365 Daily Devotionals (youth & family)
Watch our children’s messages online (released Sunday mornings).
Bible stories downloadable activity sheets
Bible short stories video (released Sunday mornings)
Children’s Sermon will be released on Sunday morning. For additional resources, contact Pastor HT Lee or any of our staff.
Join us for worship via phone
No computer or smartphone? No problem!
With a landline or cell phone, people can listen to our service on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
If you or someone you know would like to join worship via the phone, please contact Pastor HT to be connected to our phone-in worship line. We’ll get you all set up!
Let’s be the church.
PRAY for each other and our communities.
GIVE your regular offering via mail or GIVE ONLINE and consider an additional gift that will help us BE THE CHURCH.
SERVE one another by calling, emailing, and checking in with those you know to ensure the love of Christ is shared! Continue to remember that, in times of challenge, we have the opportunity to live our faith in the most beautiful and meaningful ways. Learn more about how we are working with community partners to serve our neighbors in Bellevue.